Are you a Financial Institution looking for Accelerated Sales Growth? Learn More!
The COVID-19 outbreak came at the
time India’s economy was already slowing due to persistent financial sector
weaknesses. The pandemic has had a major impact on the economy and the business
of the financial sector. The sales
outsourcing company, AOB India, has been carrying out the sales of top
financial institutions like They have delivered exemplary sales
results even during the lockdown.
Going by the feedback from the
top sales outsourcing company
in India, AOB India, understanding how COVID-19 has impacted personal
finances and shifts in banking behavior, here are the stats that the sales
consultants present for the consumer behavior-
71% are experiencing a financial impact due to
45% prefer to speak with an associate on the
phone, compared with 4% pre-pandemic
71% of customers selected reputation as a
priority when choosing a financial institution
59% of Gen Zs (ages 18-26) and Millennials (ages
27-37) have put the financial decision on hold
60% of Gen Zs will take action to secure a
better financial future
Financial institutions must pay attention to
evolving needs
Many are accomplishing tasks online, and more
than 60% will be
14% said they were more likely to entertain
in-person sales and service teams
56% believe the recovery will take place within
6 months to 2 years
1/3 expect to put large financial decisions on
hold for up to three months, but only 12% expect the economy to recover by that
Over the past six months, the sales outsourcing company,
AOB India has helped business leaders to reorganize supply chains, set up
remote operations, and make tough financial decisions. The world anxiously
awaits an effective COVID-19 vaccine that can be readily distributed. Until
then, the priority is to reenergize organizations—to act rather than to react.
Even as the uncertainties of the COVID-19 crisis multiply, the goal must be to
rebuild for the longer term.
We are in the last quarter of 2020. Taking intuitive and impactful decision can predict the future of your organization in the depleting market scenario. Wondering what should be your next step to take your financial institution to the next level? Partner with the top sales minds and unearth new strategies to take your business a step ahead.
Thanks a lot for the information. I have share this to everyone who are in contact. For more details: Outsourcing Sales